6318 S Corbett Ave.•Portland, OR 97239•Ph (503) 916-6482•Fx (503) 916-2482
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Here is the link to view the video of today's principal coffee, which had details about dates for the end of this school year as well as previews of next year's schedules: Recording
Here is the link to the powerpoint with the basic info: PPT
Also note: If you know people interested in the lottery results for the 24-25 school year, we anticipate the initial offers to go out early next week, May 13 or after. Thanks!
Hello Atomic Families! Please enjoy the newest edition of the school newsletter!
We are so excited that the ACCESS application is open for the next month, Feb. 15 - Mar. 15! Please go here: https://www.pps.net/Page/2343 to find the application.
NOTE: For the proof of the 99% score there is no longer an upload feature on the current application. Instead you need to email your attachment to: enrollment-office@pps.net Thanks and please reach out if you have any application questions!
Welcome Atomic folks!
I'm so excited to be sharing our 3rd year together. It's a combination of stability for us with our second year in our permanent home and increased support staff as well as an extended strike and school closure. Throughout our focus is on centering our Atomic students and ensuring we are engaging all students and fostering a safe environment, so that learning and acceleration happens that spurs everyone to true growth. We know when we have strong relationships and see each other as fully human beings, incredible creativity and enrichment can happen. This year our staff is working with the book Equity By Design as we grow our own practices to serve students even more effectively. We are looking forward to every minute of instructional and relational time we get to be together, working to make our Atomic connections result in the strongest Molecule possible.
With Atomic Appreciation,
Anthony Bromberg
Proud ACCESS Principal
Hello Atomic Community!
Thanks to all current, past, and future Atoms for making 21-22 an incredible experience of learning and community-building as we thrived even during a year of constant changes and many logistical challenges. I'm beyond impressed with our students, staff, and families and continue to be so honored to be your principal.
As we prepare for the 22-23 school year, there is so much to be excited about! We are beyond thrilled to be coming together in our new (to us!) building at 6318 S. Corbett Ave. We have a space that is all ours, and we are going to daily make more Atomic as we inhabit it. We look forward to community partnership as we learn all the great ways we can use it to more effectively serve all our Atoms. We're also proud and delighted to have an updated mission and vision to undergird all our work and help us stay centered in the values and goals that make us Atomic. We have a great foundation from which to launch into even more amazing and equitable work.
As your principal, I'm going to work to model and facilitate our values and mission every single day. I'm going to be listening to our students and each of you to ensure that I'm the best partner I can possibly can be in your Atomic work. It's going to be a lot of fun!
Ever Atomically Yours,
Anthony Bromberg
Hello Atoms and Future Atoms,
I am so glad to be here with you, each and every one of you: Atomic students, staff members, family and community members, and those of you who are exploring the possibility of what ACCESS might be able to offer you.
It is truly an honor to be your ACCESS Academy principal. I am here because I deeply believe that each of us are highly gifted and deserve to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically as lifelong learners and valued global community members and that every aspect of our education must reflect that.
Our ACCESS team is committed to proactively working for equity and applying PPS’s Racial Equity and Social Justice framework intersectionally as we critically analyze and dismantle all oppressions, such as those based on race, gender, sexuality, ability, language, culture and more that deny learners full access to the best education possible. We know each of our learners deserves an education that meets their unique needs, and we’re going to personalize their experience to ensure they are accelerated with excellence. We also know that we are part of a learning community that extends beyond the ACCESS buildings, and we want to connect with and provide support for accelerated learning across PPS. There is a place for each of us in the ACCESS family. To that end, we are going to be moving toward an equity-centered Restorative Practices framework of communication and community building. Every voice matters, and we want to learn from yours.
My personal mission this year as your principal is the following: My every interaction with all Atoms (students, staff, and family/community members) will facilitate more access to and awareness of our talents and gifts as well as to more power, both personal and systemic, as we continue to grow the greatest learning community in the world. I am going to do this by being fully present with you, listening and learning how best to facilitate your learning, constantly reflecting on my own growth and learning, and collaborating with you on implementing the best practices for each of our learners.
The 21-22 school year is going to get off to a great start! We’re going to do amazing, creative work together as we transition back to in-person learning safely and get to plan for the awesome reunification of our elementary and middle schools at the Terwilliger location. Please look out for regular newsletter updates about ACCESS on the school news section of the website's homepage, which will also go out to current families through the School Messenger system. And in the meantime, whatever the time, whether you are currently part of the academy or want to know more about how we can serve you and/or your family in accelerated learning growth, please reach out. I want to hear from you and am always learning from your questions and feedback.
Thank you again for being here. It is a privilege to share with you and to benefit from your special talents and gifts. You rock!
Your Atomically Proud Principal,
Anthony Bromberg
A little over 30 years ago, a Madison High School student named Joseph Janson had a simple wish. He wanted to go to a dance. But nothing was simple for Joseph, who was born with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and was confined to a wheelchair.
He confided his wish to Tony Nitz, who at that time was an educational assistant at Madison (now Leodis V. McDaniel High School). Tony had been working one-on-one with Joseph for months and he immediately went about making the young man’s dream come true.
“The truth is, I would have done anything for Joseph,” Nitz said. “He was a unique person, and we had a very special bond.”
Madi Bourdon’s first book practically wrote itself.
According to the Glencoe Elementary School counselor and Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) coordinator, it only took them an hour and a half to finish A Kid’s Book About Chosen Family, which came out this March with A Kid’s Co. publishing.
For the past three years, Alondra Nieves Barajas has been both student and teacher.
Most days, the senior from Roosevelt High School attends class, does her homework, and spends time with her friends just like any other 18-year-old. But on Wednesday nights, you can find her at the front desk, teaching adults – often much older than herself – the ins and outs of the United States naturalization test.
When Aaron Presberg first got the email from the White House, he thought it was some sort of prank.
Then he shared the message with a few colleagues who assured him that it was no joke, and the exciting reality that he had been invited to Washington, D.C. to present at the White House’s first-ever Summit for Sustainable and Healthy K–12 School Buildings and Grounds started to sink in.
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM ACCESS Academy Talent Show
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Foundation Meeting
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board- Regular Meeting
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Foundation Meeting
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM School Board - Student Success Committee
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM School Board- Study Session with vote on a consent agenda
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM School Board - Facilities and Operations Committee meeting